Thanks to Ambiente Cucina
Alpes Inox built a kitchen entirely made in stainless steel, hyper-compact and fully equipped, for a luxury mansion in Hong Kong, thanks to the mediation of Essess Designer FABBRICA.
A kitchen that had all the features typical of the professional ones used by the chefs, but at the same time finished with the details of those you can find in the home. These were the requests of the client that asked the support of Essess Designer Fabbrica – services company with headquarters in Hong Kong, which communicates with architects and designers working in the contract sector in Asia and China in particular, offering a selection of luxury design products – for the design of the kitchen site at a villa in Hong Kong. A solution entirely made on drawing thanks to the productive flexibility of Alpes Inox, which has produced the whole furnishing by changing adhoc its system of individual modules, Liberi in Cucina, designed by Nico Moretto.
To meet the clients requirements, Alpes Inox has even re-created, inside the factory, a mock-up full scale 1:1 so that everything was built perfectly to the millimeter. Fault tolerance had to be reduced to the minimum +/- 3mm. For this environment has been chosen the unique possible solution at “U”, following the perimeter wall devoid of openings. The modular units in steel of the Liberi in Cucina line could not be used in their standard version, and therefore they were totally resized and redesigned, not only in size but even in the details and accessories. At the end of this “chiseling” work of the design of the standard model was the only part remaining from the original.
The result of the amount of work incurred by the company and the designers is a little jewel in steel, a hyper-compact and super-equipped kitchen that is truly unique and represents the highest level of customization achieved not only by Essess Ltd, but especially by Alpes Inox. The cabinets, for example, are not part of the standard collection Liberi in Cucina, but they have been designed in tune with the basics of the working stations. Also the cover for the extractor hood has been specifically created to guarantee the maximum homogeneity of style as well as the cooking equipment, where the traditional fires have been integrated with the essential component for the chinese food: the wok.