This school complex designed in Boulogne Billancourt by the French studio Muoto fits into a complex urban context, located in a triangular terrain “satellite” in the Rive de Seine [...]
The latest news from Essess Designer FABBRICA
In the district of Porta Nuova, in Milan, the architect Roberto Bagnato has transformed the Timavo House, respecting the traditional and elegant building of the Thirties, in a residence, highly [...]
Architect Espen Surnevik collaborated with Trodahl Arkitekter to design a pure, geometric, porcelain-clad church in the city of Porsgrunn, Norway. The New Church of Surnevik replaces the [...]
The Museum De Lakenhal of Arts and crafts, is located in the Dutch city of Leiden. It is a very ancient building that has been repeatedly remodeled over the centuries. Built in 1641 by architect [...]